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Automatically switch between SSL and non-SSL with Nginx+Unicorn+Rails
·1502 words·8 mins
Rails Rails3 Unicorn Nginx Ssl
Rails 3: Customized exception handling
·350 words·2 mins
Rails Rails3 Exceptions Error Rescue
Testing Rails 3 scopes revisited
·243 words·2 mins
Ruby on Rails Rails Rspec Rails3 Scope Named_scope
Properly testing Rails 3 scopes
·286 words·2 mins
Ruby on Rails Rails Rspec Rails3 Scope Named_scope
Rails 3 + Devise + Uploadify = No Flash Session Hacks
·550 words·3 mins
Rails Rails3 Devise Uploadify Flash
Why did error_messages_for disappear from Rails 3?
·180 words·1 min