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Rails generate model: be specific
·264 words·2 mins
Testing with MiniTest
·1249 words·6 mins
Testing Tdd Bdd Minitest Rails Ruby
Rails: Prevent Accidental Debugging Commits
·494 words·3 mins
Rails Git
Deploying with git-deploy
·1031 words·5 mins
Deployment Git Rails Devops
Decorating Sorcery's current_user with Draper
·71 words·1 min
Ruby Rails Devise Draper Sorcery
Rails migrations: decimal precision and scale
·130 words·1 min
Rails Migrations Postgresql
Search and Replace in multiple files with Vim
·269 words·2 mins
Rails Vim
Decorating Devise's current_user with Draper
·102 words·1 min
Rails Devise Draper Decorators
Showing Ruby, Rails and git info in your app
·206 words·1 min
Ruby Rails Protip
Automatically switch between SSL and non-SSL with Nginx+Unicorn+Rails
·1502 words·8 mins
Rails Rails3 Unicorn Nginx Ssl
Rails 3: Customized exception handling
·350 words·2 mins
Rails Rails3 Exceptions Error Rescue
Fast specs - Run your specs in less than 1 second
·1208 words·6 mins
Ruby Rails Rspec Testing Bdd Tdd Cucumber Fast_spec Fastspec Coreyhaines
Testing Rails 3 scopes revisited
·243 words·2 mins
Ruby on Rails Rails Rspec Rails3 Scope Named_scope
Properly testing Rails 3 scopes
·286 words·2 mins
Ruby on Rails Rails Rspec Rails3 Scope Named_scope
RSpec speed-up (24.6%) by tweaking ruby garbage collection
·237 words·2 mins
Ruby Rails Rspec Speed Garbage Collection GC
Capistrano and the custom maintenance page
·541 words·3 mins
Capistrano Rails Git Migrations Deployment Maintenance
Lighting fast, zero-downtime deployments with git, capistrano, nginx and Unicorn
·2320 words·11 mins
Capistrano Rails Git Unicorn Nginx Zero-Downtime Deployment
Rails 3 + Devise + Uploadify = No Flash Session Hacks
·550 words·3 mins
Rails Rails3 Devise Uploadify Flash
Upgrading to Mongoid Beta 6
·197 words·1 min
Ruby Rails Mongoid Monogdb
Bundler + Passenger with Rails 2.3.5? Yes, please!
·236 words·2 mins
Ruby Rails Bundler Passenger
Once and for all: Rails migrations integer :limit option
·99 words·1 min
MySQL Ruby on Rails Rails Sql Migrations Integer Limit
Speaking at Rails Underground
·111 words·1 min
General Ruby Rails Git Rails-Underground Speaking
has_one - find all that have no associated object
·109 words·1 min
General Ruby Rails Has_one Has_many Belongs_to
How To Start A Rails Edge App The Easy Way
·432 words·3 mins
General RubyOnRails Rails Git Ror Edge Submodule
RSpec'ing with
·174 words·1 min
General Ruby Rails Rspec Test Time
BaseApp: a quick start for your Rails App
·303 words·2 mins
General Ruby Ruby on Rails Rails BaseApp
Skinny Controllers and Overweight Models
·258 words·2 mins
Blog Ruby Rails Controllers Models
ActiveRecord Read Only Model
·209 words·1 min
General Blog Ruby Rails Ror Activerecord
Zoek jij 'n uitdagende baan??
·210 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Ruby Rails Baan Banen Rubyenrails
Debian Etch: RMagick LoadError
·148 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Ruby Ruby on Rails Rails Imagemagick LibMagickWand Magick Rmagick
Rails Snippet: Caching expensive calls
·166 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Ruby Rails Snippet
Ruby on Rails plugin: Throttler
·40 words·1 min
Blog Ruby Ruby on Rails Rails Plugins Throttling Throttler
Rails: calculated column caching
·243 words·2 mins
Blog Features Ruby Ruby on Rails Rails Cache Sort Order Find Select Join - Ruby on Rails Jobs in The Netherlands
·175 words·1 min
General Blog Ruby Ruby on Rails Rails Jobs