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Narf: A Ruby Micro Test Framework
·298 words·2 mins
Ruby Test Testing Bdd Tdd Agile
Using your Firefly URL Shortener with Twitter for iPhone
·126 words·1 min
Twitter Firefly Url Shortener
Hot: Firefly 1.3.0 URL Shortener released
·257 words·2 mins
Rake task to sync your assets to Amazon S3/Cloudfront
·645 words·4 mins
Amazon S3 Cloudfront Hosting Cloud
Now powered by Heroku
·88 words·1 min
Toto Heroku Hosting Dorothy
Public Readable Amazon S3 Bucket Policy
·107 words·1 min
Amazon S3 Cloudfront Bucket Policy
Why did error_messages_for disappear from Rails 3?
·180 words·1 min
Hide 'Last login:' on bash login
·82 words·1 min
Bash MacOSX
Clear your MySQL password
·173 words·1 min
MySQL Development Password
Setup a PPTP VPN connection on Mac OS X Snow Leopard
·86 words·1 min
Osx Mac Vpn Snow Leopard
Setup a Ubuntu VPN server
·216 words·2 mins
Linux Ubuntu Vpn
Firefly 1.1.0 adds QR Codes for your shortened URLs
·93 words·1 min
Ruby Urls Firefly Qrcodes
Precompile SASS to CSS for deployment to Heroku
·505 words·3 mins
Git Haml Sass Heroku
Mass convert WMA to MP3 using ffmpeg and ruby
·202 words·1 min
Audio Mp3 Wma Music Ffmpeg
Resque: how to requeue failed jobs
·159 words·1 min
Ruby Resque
Rename a git branch
·64 words·1 min
Git Branch Tip
Using multiple clipboards in Vim
·183 words·1 min
Vi Vim
How to enable SSH Forwarding on Mac OS X Snow Leopard
·240 words·2 mins
Apple Osx Mac Ssh Forwarding Rubber Ssh-Agent Ssh-Add Snowleopard
Screencast: Firefly URL shortener in less than 2.5 minutes
·90 words·1 min
Cherry-Picking specific commits from another branch
·323 words·2 mins
Git Cherry-Pick Scm
Uploading files with Curl
·85 words·1 min
Curl File Upload
Firefly 0.4.3 and Firefly Client 0.4.0 released
·109 words·1 min
Ruby Gems Urls Firefly Shortener
Setup your own Firefly URL shortener in 2.5 minutes
·204 words·1 min
Upgrading to Mongoid Beta 6
·197 words·1 min
Ruby Rails Mongoid Monogdb
Bundler + Passenger with Rails 2.3.5? Yes, please!
·236 words·2 mins
Ruby Rails Bundler Passenger
Firefly 0.4.1 released
·89 words·1 min
Firefly Url Shortening
Ruby version and gemset in your Bash prompt? Yes sir!
·162 words·1 min
Ruby Bash Rvm Gemset Profile
A new day, a new Firefly
·79 words·1 min
Get ready for Firefly 0.3!
·227 words·2 mins
Detect browser Web Sockets support
·121 words·1 min
Html5 Websockets Javascript Jquery
Announcing Firefly, a ruby URL shortener
·590 words·3 mins
Really? Another Sinatra URL Shortener in Ruby?
·64 words·1 min
Ruby Sinatra Urls Shortening Base62
Installing the Nokogiri ruby gem on Debian
·51 words·1 min
Linux Ruby Debian Rubygems Nokogiri Gems now in valid HTML5
·69 words·1 min
Html5 Css3
How a little varnish changed my life
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Shields up! Rrrack alert!
·287 words·2 mins
Wordpress Ruby Toto Rack
How to order your Kindle from the Netherlands
·635 words·3 mins
General Amazon Kindle Ereader Ebook
Sign the petition: Stop EU Software Patents
·252 words·2 mins
General Europe Software Patents Petition Eu
The epic e-reading experience: Amazone Kindle
·413 words·2 mins
General Amazon Kindle Kindle2 E-Reader Ereader Ebook Books Paperbacks Reading
Epic TextMate Theme
·44 words·1 min
General Textmate Ruby Ruby on Rails Epic Themes Colours
How to create and apply a patch with Git
·660 words·4 mins
Git Patch Sign-Off
They are just tools, people!
·885 words·5 mins
Blog Codaset Github Basecamp 37signals Tools Perspective
Git problem: error: unable to create temporary sha1 filename
·49 words·1 min
Git Prune Repack Fsck
Epic vs. Awesome
·51 words·1 min
General Fun Awesome Epic
Valerii: 32-base string encoder and decoder
·583 words·3 mins
Ruby Gem 32base Valerii Math Url Shortner Github, but better
·645 words·4 mins
Git Codaset Github
Git Tag Mini Cheat Sheet Revisited
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Git Cheat Sheet Tags
Git Tag Mini Cheat Sheet
·70 words·1 min
Git Cheat Sheet Tags
Rails + MySQL: Case-Sensitive strings in your database
·118 words·1 min
Ruby on Rails
JInput Mac OS X 64 bit natives
·297 words·2 mins
Java 64bit Lwjgl Jinput Slick2d Jme
Once and for all: Rails migrations integer :limit option
·99 words·1 min
MySQL Ruby on Rails Rails Sql Migrations Integer Limit
IMDB Ruby Gem 0.4.0 Now available at RubyForge!
·74 words·1 min
General Ruby Imdb Gem
Speaking at Rails Underground
·111 words·1 min
General Ruby Rails Git Rails-Underground Speaking
Best Practice - The Git Development Cycle
·318 words·2 mins
General Git Rebase Merge Branch Svn Best-Practice
ActiveRecord: Skipping callbacks like after_save or after_update
·196 words·1 min
has_one - find all that have no associated object
·109 words·1 min
General Ruby Rails Has_one Has_many Belongs_to
IMDB 0.3.0 now including console utility - query IMDB from your console
·329 words·2 mins
General Imdb Gem Console
Install Hpricot on Ubuntu
·65 words·1 min
Ruby Gem: IMDB
·200 words·1 min
General Ruby Imdb Gem Api
Speak louder! I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am!
·3 words·1 min
General Twitter Awesome Twitshirt Tshirt
Second RubyFest Speaker: Geoffrey Grosenbach
·77 words·1 min
Available for iPhone Development
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General Apple IPod Development Mac Iphone Sdk Hire Available
Compacting a SQLite3 DB file
·88 words·1 min
How to create a DSA OpenSSL certificate
·76 words·1 min
General Openssl Dsa Key Public
MacBook Pro: Black Screen of Death (or is it just faking?)
·402 words·2 mins
General Apple Mac Mbp Macbook Pro Death Black
May 14th: RubyFest!
·95 words·1 min
General Rubyfest
warcraft-armory 0.1.0 Released
·94 words·1 min
General Ruby Warcraft-Armory Rubygems
Pagerank 3, 19k Hits/Month
·187 words·1 min
General Blog Pagerank Page Views Stats
How To Start A Rails Edge App The Easy Way
·432 words·3 mins
General RubyOnRails Rails Git Ror Edge Submodule
·51 words·1 min
General Twitter
Google FriendConnect now on
·198 words·1 min
Export CSV directly from MySQL
·147 words·1 min
General MySQL Csv Quick Trick
SQL: Ordering with NULL values
·46 words·1 min
General Order Database Sql
RSpec'ing with
·174 words·1 min
General Ruby Rails Rspec Test Time
BaseApp: a quick start for your Rails App
·303 words·2 mins
General Ruby Ruby on Rails Rails BaseApp
JRuby with Thomas Enebo
·106 words·1 min
General Railsconfeurope2008
Panel Discussion with DHH and Rails Core Members
·112 words·1 min
General Railsconfeurope2008
JRuby with Nick Sieger
·420 words·2 mins
General Railsconfeurope2008 Jruby Nicksieger
RailsConfEurope: The first tutorial
·229 words·2 mins
General Railsconfeurope2008
Leaving for RailsConf Europe 2008
·65 words·1 min
General Railsconfeurope2008
ActiveRecord Read Only Model
·209 words·1 min
General Blog Ruby Rails Ror Activerecord
Skinny Controllers and Overweight Models
·258 words·2 mins
Blog Ruby Rails Controllers Models
Useless Ruby Gems for your pleasure
·331 words·2 mins
Blog Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails: UUID as your ActiveRecord primary key
·374 words·2 mins
General Link Party 07/21/2008
·51 words·1 min
Blog Link Party 07/17/2008
·50 words·1 min
Photography Heaven
·154 words·1 min
General Blogroll Photography Flickr Link Party 07/10/2008
·67 words·1 min
Blog Links
How to digg-proof your WordPress blog
·1260 words·6 mins
General Wordpress Performance Digg Caching Link Party 07/08/2008
·92 words·1 min
Zoek jij 'n uitdagende baan??
·210 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Ruby Rails Baan Banen Rubyenrails
The best IT books hand-picked for you!
·129 words·1 min
The migration that cannot be undone: Irreversible Migration
·154 words·1 min
How to: Compile packages on Debian/Ubuntu by hand
·240 words·2 mins
Blog Ubuntu Debian Source Code Src Package Packages Deb
GIT: Using the stash
·406 words·2 mins
Blog Git Stash
Permanently redirect WordPress pages
·249 words·2 mins
General Wordpress Apache Apache2 Rewrite Mod_rewrite Permalinks
Debian Etch: RMagick LoadError
·148 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Ruby Ruby on Rails Rails Imagemagick LibMagickWand Magick Rmagick
Enabling Trac Email notifications
·205 words·1 min
General Trac Email Notifications Tricks
Here we go again: WordPress 2.5
·200 words·1 min
General Wordpress Updates
Rails Snippet: Caching expensive calls
·166 words·1 min
General RubyOnRails Ruby Rails Snippet