This is my Now page where I share what I’m up to right now. Consider getting your own.
- Busy with the family. Raising two kids is a full-time job. Luckily, they’re growing well, doing great in school and both are now playing volleyball twice a week. Both are also in Scouting, where I’ve volunteered to help out occasionally.
- Still avidly playing bass guitar - not-in-a-band - with Rocksmith 2014 (I refuse to pay a subscription for RS+ and I’d miss all my CDLC).
- Recently picked up my Volkswagen Golf 3 Cabrio project again. Currently working on making small (and big) repairs for the upcoming spring and summer.
- I’ve been working at Kabisa since 2007 as a Software Engineer. As part of my interest in software craftsmanship, I’ve been working on a book about how to become a better senior software engineer. Stay tuned!
- My current project is a legacy Python/Django app with a Vue front-end. I’m really looking forward to working on a Rails project again. Rails 8 has many great new features I’d lke to try out. Maybe it’s time for another side project?