Testing $HOME with Cucumber and Aruba
Cucumber and Aruba are awesome tools to write acceptance tests for your command line application. The allow you to do things like this:
Scenario: Exit with 0 when no examples are run
Given a file named "a_no_examples_spec.rb" with:
When I run `rspec a_no_examples_spec.rb`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the output should contain "0 examples"
This example was taken from rspec-core.
Aruba basically does three things for you:
- Create and inspect files and directories
- Run commands
- Inspect output and exit status
The problem
Now, if you are writing a CLI that interacts with a configuration file in the user’s home directory, you’d write a cucumber like this:
Scenario: use .my-app configuration
Given a file named "~/.my-app" with:
awesome_enabled: true
When I run `my-app`
Then the output should contain "AWESOME"
But how does your app and Aruba differentiate between this generated test file and your actual configration file in your home directory? It doens’t.
The answer
The solution is quite easy and elegant, in your Before
set the $HOME
environment variable to a custom location inside the tmp/aruba
In features/support/env.rb
Before do
set_env 'HOME', File.expand_path(File.join(current_dir, 'home'))
FileUtils.mkdir_p ENV['HOME']
This will set $HOME
to tmp/aruba/home
in the context of your cucumbers (and execute binary). current_dir
automatically points to the right location for the aruba temporary directory.