Do your ads pay your (blogging) bills?

I’ve read many articles on earning money with Google’s AdSense. Some guru’s claim to recieve five figure checks from Google every month.

The trick with these people is that they have a lot of content. More content, means more visitors, which means more clicks and thus more money. The content is written to attract certain keywords which are known earn a lot of money. Of course, professionals don’t just have one site, they have several. In order to cope with all this content they have an almost full-time job. That’s not bad if you earn a five figure amount every month. ~ But, how about us, regular bloggers who just want to share our bit of knowledge with the rest of the world. Most of us have Google Ads on our site, including me. My site has been refurbished quite a few times in the past few months and the content I had is gone. So, I’m not really hot in this business.

Most bloggers post a few items every few days. Some of us are really cool and post several items a day. What I want to know is: can Google Ads pay your (blogging) bills?

I mean, is there really anyone, except the kick-ass professional bloggers, who can make a bit of money of their blog? And if so, do they have any tips they’d like to share with the world?

Please let me know or post any relevant articles here. I’m looking forward to your reponse!

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